...another extraordinary yoga experience! I am filled with gratitude for the privilege of serving as program assistant along with another very experienced Iyengar Yoga Instructor, Suzie Muchnick, to a wonderful Senior teacher, Joan White, from Philadelphia, during her Iyengar Yoga 5-day Intensive Workshop.
Omega is a mere 2 hour drive for me, and I love being in the green, going barefoot, swimming in the lake, walking through the garden, the library, and the food is great, too.
Pictures: Top, Joan leading the group in Utthita Padangusthasana. Below, Joan is demonstrating Parivrtta Trikonasana (YIA PC p. 39), with Suzie (standing, left) looking on. Seated in front among the other participants were Certified Iyengar Yoga teachers Joann Warren (long braid), Nancy Kardon (glasses), and Cathy Eising (wearing all white). click on either for larger size views.
Omega is a mere 2 hour drive for me, and I love being in the green, going barefoot, swimming in the lake, walking through the garden, the library, and the food is great, too.
Joan focused much on Pranayama this time -- with beautiful imagery -- hoping to inspire us to a daily practice.
If you were an attendee, please add a post, with an insight or something you gained...
I recommend you join us all there for the last week in June 2008 to re-launch your summer practice. I would wager that Joan will lead you to new, previously unexperienced territory and guide you to the next level(s) in your yoga practice. Between the three of us, you will surely be thoroughly spoiled with astute observations and corrections, and of course, effective hands on adjustments. Included with the course is a comprehensive manual Joan has revised over the years, a great study tool. I am using the sequences in its pages this week in my own practice.
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