You may have been waiting a while for a Yoga Wall Training in NYC, and it’s finally here! Hopefully, the first of several Yoga Wall Trainings. Please contact the studio directly to register, and contact me directly if you plan on attending, so I’ll know you’re coming – and please let me know what you’d like to cover spefically so I may consider including it in this basic training workshop. If by chance you are NOT able to attend this upcoming workshop, let me know if you’re still interested so I can keep you on the list and also let me know if you’re interested in a REGULAR time slot at this location so we can plan ahead.
Joni Wellness
New Ark Yoga
39 Lincoln Park
Newark, NJ 07102
(201) 207-4448
New!!! YOGA WALL Training with Joni Wellness
Day: Oct. 30th (Thurs.)
Time: 1-4pm
Price: $65 ($55 if you register by Oct. 17th)
Location: ZenGirl & DD Fitness @ Grasshopper Pilates
515 Broadway, #2AR (btwn Spring & Broome)
Limits: 8 person min./20 person max.
Sign up: call Jennifer at 9175498667 or
email to ZenGirlFitness@mac.com
What you'll learn from the class:
*How to use the Yoga Wall
*How to get 10x the benefits of your yoga practice or workout!
*How to use the Yoga Wall for yourself or your clients/students
*Principles of Alignment, Traction and Yoga Wall Set up for maximum effect and benefit
*Basics of common poses:
adho mukha svanasana (downward dog)
Standing poses
Sitting poses
Inversions, especially Sirsasana (head balance)
Back bends
Shoulder Release Work
Strength Work
*How to focus in your yoga poses by offering support while teaching you correct form. It can relieve back pain, improve alignment, allow safe recuperative work even while injured or with limitations, strengthen, & elongate.
*That the Yoga Wall improves your poses and teaches you correct form.
And more....
Joni Wellness brings her experience and vast insight into the body to ZenGirl & DD Fitness @ Grasshopper Pilates with a great love of and expertise in working with The Yoga Wall system.
She is a Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher. She has been in the field of Wellness and practicing and teaching Yoga for over three decades, and is considered an expert with yoga therapeutics, props, back and knee care. After her years in the theatrical dance world in the 80’s she had accumulated numerous injuries. She was then introduced to the precise Iyengar style of Hatha Yoga, which therapeutically addressed her injuries. In the mid-90s she began to apprentice with longtime student of BKS Iyengar, Aadil Palkhivala. She continues her Advanced studies of Iyengar Yoga with its senior-most teachers. She teaches in Newark and other NJ locations, as well as NYC. Along with the accurate physical precision of the Iyengar Yoga approach, Joni went through and became a Mentor and Program Leader of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. Joni was also an Ohashi trained Shiatsu practitioner, massage therapist for the Joffrey Ballet, Childbirth Educator and Doula, Hospice volunteer and still is a Drum Circle Facilitator. For more about Joni,
If you are registering for this event and have particular requests, please contact Joni ahead of time: (201) 207-4448
***Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you think might also be interested.
Joni Wellness
New Ark Yoga
39 Lincoln Park
Newark, NJ 07102
(201) 207-4448
New!!! YOGA WALL Training with Joni Wellness
Day: Oct. 30th (Thurs.)
Time: 1-4pm
Price: $65 ($55 if you register by Oct. 17th)
Location: ZenGirl & DD Fitness @ Grasshopper Pilates
515 Broadway, #2AR (btwn Spring & Broome)
Limits: 8 person min./20 person max.
Sign up: call Jennifer at 9175498667 or
email to ZenGirlFitness@mac.com
What you'll learn from the class:
*How to use the Yoga Wall
*How to get 10x the benefits of your yoga practice or workout!
*How to use the Yoga Wall for yourself or your clients/students
*Principles of Alignment, Traction and Yoga Wall Set up for maximum effect and benefit
*Basics of common poses:
adho mukha svanasana (downward dog)
Standing poses
Sitting poses
Inversions, especially Sirsasana (head balance)
Back bends
Shoulder Release Work
Strength Work
*How to focus in your yoga poses by offering support while teaching you correct form. It can relieve back pain, improve alignment, allow safe recuperative work even while injured or with limitations, strengthen, & elongate.
*That the Yoga Wall improves your poses and teaches you correct form.
And more....
Joni Wellness brings her experience and vast insight into the body to ZenGirl & DD Fitness @ Grasshopper Pilates with a great love of and expertise in working with The Yoga Wall system.
She is a Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher. She has been in the field of Wellness and practicing and teaching Yoga for over three decades, and is considered an expert with yoga therapeutics, props, back and knee care. After her years in the theatrical dance world in the 80’s she had accumulated numerous injuries. She was then introduced to the precise Iyengar style of Hatha Yoga, which therapeutically addressed her injuries. In the mid-90s she began to apprentice with longtime student of BKS Iyengar, Aadil Palkhivala. She continues her Advanced studies of Iyengar Yoga with its senior-most teachers. She teaches in Newark and other NJ locations, as well as NYC. Along with the accurate physical precision of the Iyengar Yoga approach, Joni went through and became a Mentor and Program Leader of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. Joni was also an Ohashi trained Shiatsu practitioner, massage therapist for the Joffrey Ballet, Childbirth Educator and Doula, Hospice volunteer and still is a Drum Circle Facilitator. For more about Joni,
If you are registering for this event and have particular requests, please contact Joni ahead of time: (201) 207-4448
***Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you think might also be interested.